Marie Donaldson — Jul 8, 2022

Hauora Taiwhenua (Rural Health Network)/New Zealand Rural General Practice Networks held a Rural Health Careers Promotion programme at Waimate High School, with support from amazing student volunteers from Students of Rural Health Aotearoa (SORHA).

How often do you get to try out cool medical equipment like stethoscopes? Learn how to take blood pressure Practice CPR or have a go at doing 'stitches'? 

Waimate High school students got to do just that and more. Student volunteers from Auckland University and the University of Otago, Brendan, Tomas, Katie, Emily and Richard are all studying in Health, Medicine or Physiotherapy and came to Waimate High School to promote rural health professions. 

The opportunities are endless for students who come from rural settings like Waimate. The types of careers in health are endless. For example, you could be a General Practitioner, Dentist/Dental Technician, Physiotherapist, Medical Imager, Midwife, Radiographer, Anaesthetist, Sports Medicine doctor, Nurse, Rural Hospital Doctor, Occupational Therapist, Paramedic, Pharmacist, and more!

The important school subjects to focus on for careers in health are Science, English and Math. To find out more, visit: