Hero photograph
Leading Waimea College from my Dining Room table was certainly an interesting experience!
Photo by Scott Haines

Principal's Comment

Scott Haines —

Welcome back to Waimea College.

Kia ora koutou Parents and Caregivers

It was with a real sense of anticipation that we welcomed our staff and students back to school last week following 16 school days of online learning during the recent lockdown.

Leading Waimea College from my dining room table at home was certainly an interesting experience!

I think that it is during these uncertain times that the true spirit of our humanity and the true heart of our school community shines through. I am very proud of the calm and focused way in which staff and students responded to the Prime Minister’s direction to move into lockdown and pivoted overnight into an online learning environment

Adversity crystallises what is important - people and community. The kindness and concern shown by Waimea College students, parents and staff during and since lockdown was extraordinary and I am immensely proud of how everyone pulled together.

I am particularly proud of our staff as they cared for their own families in lockdown while continuing to support student learning online as well as the staff who delivered over 100 school-owned devices to the homes of students who needed them. 

Thank you also to our students for the way in which you willingly and smoothly adapted to this new online distance learning style. Thank you for the way in which you showed kindness, care and compassion to each other and to your teachers. Your efforts throughout this event will serve you well as you enter our hall again in a few weeks' time to claim your place as an NCEA scholar.

With lockdown behind us and a greater sense of normality returning, we will take no backward step. We are embedding, and building on, what we have learned to become even stronger as a school community.

A big shout-out too, to the essential workers in our community who left the safety of their bubbles in support of getting us all through this event. Thank you. 

Semper contendite

Scott Haines
