Hero photograph
Transition Micro-Business Team

Special Education

Sarah Kennedy —

News from the Special Education Department

The Richmond RDA group have been running for over 30 years as a registered charity.
Each year we help raise money to help keep it going. This year we raised $84 by making and selling biscuits, but not just any biscuits … these beauties were iced by Aidan and Molly.

RDA Biscuits

Katelyn presented the money to Tina who teaches our students at the Champion Road site.

The Transition group have been investigating micro-business and have launched their own dog biscuit business. They researched recipe options, bought the ingredients, made two different types and ran product trials with dogs and their owners and analysed the results. Sebastian then designed the sales box and information. They decided on a price point of $5 per bag. If you would like to try a bag of “homemade” dog biscuits please contact stewart.mckean@waimea.school.nz