Waimea College — Feb 20, 2023

2023 Emergency Management Information for Parents and Caregivers

As you will appreciate, it is better that we prepare for any eventualities before they occur rather than as they are happening. Please help us in ensuring that we have your up-to-date contact details to contact you at any time, including how to get hold of you in the case of an emergency or school closure. Up-to-date contact details for you include street and email addresses and your phone numbers (mobile, home and work if applicable).
If we cannot contact you, it is important we have the contact information for those who have your authority to make decisions relating to your teenager in an emergency.

You can update your details via the Parent Portal or SchoolBridge App, or please contact the Main Office on 544 6099 or email main.office@waimea.school.nz.

Please click here to access information in regard to Waimea College's Emergency Management Plans