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Year 9 Camp

Year 9 Camps

Ian McLeod —

Planning is well underway for the final camp of the year.

This camp will see classes 9E, 9I and 9T heading up to Rotoiti Lodge.  

Further information will be going home with the students in these classes at the end of Week 2 with permission forms and payment due at the end of Week 4.

Camps are able to go ahead under Alert Level 2, with the only noticeable difference for students being the need to sanitise on the way into and out of the lodge, and that camp instructors will be wearing masks while running the activities.

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Mr McLeod on Ext 829.

For students in classes 9L, 9O and 9G who were unable to go on their camp due to Lockdown, final details are being put together for a ‘catch up’ day trip. Further information will go home with these students early in Week 3.