Shelley Roberts — Mar 27, 2017

Summer Tournament will be on tomorrow. Games will begin at 9.30am and be completed by 2.30pm.  

Please see attachment below for locations, travel and cost of each sport.

Participants will need:

Golf meets at 8.30am as briefing is at 9.20 and will conclude earlier for the students to be back at school for the afternoon. Golfers need to wear normal school uniform and have shorts with pockets for the tees. Mountain bikers meet at 8.20am and will need their own bikes and helmets. Tennis players need their own racket. Softball and Playballers please bring your own mit if you have one. Orienteers need a watch, a pen and sports shoes. Lawn bowlers need flat shoes.

Please remind students to wear a sunhat and sunblock and lots to drink.

We wish all students participating in this event the best and encourage parents to spectate and enjoy the action.  

If your child is absent tomorrow (due to sickness etc) please let the school office know,  and  which sport they were going to be involved with.