Hero photograph
Photo by Janine Higgins

Old Phones Wanted

Janine Higgins —

Wanted: 10 android phones that are no longer used at home to scan students onto school buses.

This term, we've been trialling students scanning onto one of the school buses with a bus ticket that has a QR code on it.  This will allow us to more easily keep track of who has gone on a particular school bus on any given day.  We'd like to extend this trial to all buses next term.  In order to make this process as smooth as possible, we need a phone (without sim card) for each bus, that can scan and store our QR codes.  The multiple scanning app we've been using is an android app and we've trialled it this term on a Samsung phone - but any android phone would work.

If you have a phone at home that is no longer used, please reset it to factory settings (or let us know its password so we can reset it) and send it into the school office before the end of term.  Many thanks.