WIS — Oct 28, 2020

Year 8 students will be taking part in the Orientation Day at Waimea College and other local secondary schools on Friday 13 November. (Friday 22 November for those absent on 13 November). Most schools require Waimea Intermediate uniform to be worn. All students should have received information from their prospective college. Information for the day...

Waimea College

All students should be in uniform and assemble on the College tennis courts (behind the gymnasium) at 8.45am.  Students can meet up with their friends at WIS and walk over to the college together if they want to. If your child arrives on a bus that gets in later they need to  go straight to college as soon as they arrive. Mrs Higgins will be there to see that they know where to go. You will also need to take: a black or blue pen, hat, sunscreen, lunch and a water bottle.  

The day finishes at 2.50pm in time to catch their usual bus home. Students need to come back to school and sit in their usual bus line.

All local colleges  have the same Orientation day - Friday 13th November. 

Students enrolled at Garin College, Nayland College, Nelson College and Nelson College for Girls will receive information from those Colleges regarding the structure of the orientation day closer to the date.

Exciting times!