Arriving and Belonging - Tangatawhenuatanga
Embracing our commitment to values, our school incorporates various activities and programs aligned with our RISE and WISE principles. Each waka, comprising seven or eight classes of mixed abilities, reflects our dedication to inclusivity and personalised learning.
Our esteemed staff, working collaboratively, deliver a diverse curriculum that ensures students gain a comprehensive and varied learning experience. Prioritising continuity, we strive to place students in classes with friends from their previous school, although deliberate efforts are made to encourage new connections, fostering opportunities for fresh friendships.
Highlighting our commitment to holistic education, our school proudly runs a modules program. This initiative empowers both students and teachers to explore passion projects, proving to be a highly popular and integral component of our timetable. At our school, we believe in creating an environment where students thrive academically, socially, and personally. Welcome to a place where learning extends beyond the conventional, and opportunities for growth are explored.
Start of year stationery is available ONLINE from OfficeMax during December and January.
Click this link to order online from OfficeMax.
The Year 7 & 8 stationery list is attached below.
All students need to bring their stationery to school on the first day.
Term 1
4 February - 11 April (Yr 7 & Yr 8 start days TBC)
3 February - Nelson Anniversary
6 February - Waitangi Day
Term 2
28 April - 27 June
2 June - King's Birthday
20 June - Matariki
Term 3
14 July - 19 September
Term 4
6 October - 19 December
27 October- Labour Day