Community Notices by Pixabay

Community News

WISFebruary 26, 2025

Inclusion of these items does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the school.

Snowden's Bush / Euphorbia glauca

Children using the rear of the Snowden's Bush for forts and games, please be careful not to touch, walk through, or otherwise handle the Euphorbia (an annual plant, pictured below) which is currently widespread in the rear section of the park. It is a very poisonous irritant and if any of the milky sap gets rubbed into eyes from hands, it has the potential to cause blindness.  

It can grow about adult waist high; has grey green leaves pointing stiffly out from the stem and is starting to develop round green seed heads. The flowers are also greenish. It grows amongst the grass as well as under trees in partial shade. 

'Friends of Snowden's Bush' are working on weeding it out, but there is a great deal of it in patches as well as sole plants!

Big City Mania

Bridge Valley has 2 weeks of 'Big City Mania' themed holiday camps this upcoming April. Below are the dates and information. Both weeks are overnight camps including games and activities such as archery, rock climbing, luge and more. Register on our website to secure your spot, we would love to see you there!

Junior 'Big City Mania' Camp: A 2 night camp on the 22nd - 24th April for ages 8 - 11.

Ultimate 'Big City Mania' Camp:  A 3 night camp on the14th - 17th April for ages 11- 13. 

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