Hero photograph
Photo by Catherine Parkes

2023 Ngātahi Ako Learning Conferences Monday 30th January and Tuesday 31 January

Catherine Parkes —

Ngātahi Ako Learning Conferences at the start of the 2023 School Year

The Ngātahi Ako learning conference is an opportunity to discuss the upcoming school year for your child, set goals, discuss future learning and a chance to collectively discuss your child in general.

The learning conferences will be in the form of a 15 minute time slot with your child's kaitiaki teacher at a booked time. 

For booking a time with your child's kaiako/teacher please follow this LINK or use the QR code to make a booking. If required please use the following event code gpda9 . 

Please note that Nicola Bird will not be available on these days. If your child is going to be in Nicola's kaitiaki you will receive a paper letter directing you to a separate booking.

Image by: Catherine Parkes

During this time, your child’s kaiako will be asking some questions to find out a bit more about the things that are important to your child and your family.

We are sharing the following questions with you so you have the opportunity to discuss them with your child prior.

  • What are your child’s strengths / passions - both academic and other?

  • If your child is in the Otakaro and Wai-iti teams - what kind of play do they enjoy / engage in regularly?

  • What are your child’s needs?

  • What goals / aspirations do you and your child have for this year?

  • Is there anything else you would like to share (eg specific needs - glasses, food - small or fussy eater, sleep, hearing? etc)

  • What skills do you have that you would be willing to share with us?

For booking a time with your child's kaiako/teacher please follow this link. https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code/gpda9 

We are really looking forward to this opportunity.