Hero photograph
Discussing how to be inclusive
Photo by Simon Adkins

Whānau Groups

Simon Adkins —

This morning was our first whānau group time. It was fun.

This term Wairakei School started whānau groups. These groups will meet on Monday mornings to le∂arn about PB4L lessons (We ARE Wairakei) and to experience relationship building activities. Whānau groups will also meet at other times during the year for special activities.

The key points for our whānau groups are...

  • Each group includes children from Year 1 through to Year 6. Tuakana teina is a Māori concept that literally translates as big small. It refers to the learning that can occur in both directions when older and younger people work together.
  • Siblings, cousins and whānau members are in the same group together.
  • There are five whānau groups Ti Kouka (the cabbage tree), Kanuka, Tarata (lemonwood), Matai and Horoeka (lancewood).
  • Children that identify as Māori or Cook Island Māori on enrolment are in Horoeka.
  • Over time the trees that identify each group will be planted around the school.