Hero photograph
Photo by Shane Buckner

Attendance is a focus for our school and part of our wellbeing strategic goal.

Shane Buckner —

Deputy Principal Simon Adkins monitors the attendance patterns of children in our school. In turn, he reports the overall patterns and an attendance report to our Board of Trustees twice a year - a mandatory requirement.

We have a number of letters according to our internal policy, that are sent as both email and hard copies to parents and caregivers of children whose attendance is of concern. We want to support you if there is any ongoing problem which makes it difficult for your child to attend school or be at school on time.

We thank those of you who do inform the office either through email, phone, text or our SkoolLoop app of any absence or lateness.

Here is a chart showing just how absence and lateness affects a child's education.

Every day counts ... — Image by: Shane Buckner