Whānau Hui
Tēnā koutou katoa, nau mai haere mai ki te whānau hui tuatahi. We warmly invite you to our second whānui hui for 2021. This is a wonderful opportunity for whānau and our kura to connect.
Mō Tātou, ā, Mō Kā Uri ā Muri Ake Nei
For us and our tamariki after us
Āhea/When? Rāapa/Wednesday 7th Hūrae/July
Kei hea/Where? The Wairere Learning Space
He aha te wā? What time? 5:30pm -7:00pm
This hui is for Maori whānau especially in our school community to make connections, share your views, ideas, skills and aspirations for your tamariki. Whānau voice is fundamental in enabling us as a kura to tautoko/support your tamariki to succeed and be confident as Māori.
We will have local iwi representatives attending and kai will be provided. The whole whānau is invited. It would be lovely to see you there.
Nāhaku noa,
nā Mel Scarlett
Please RSVP melissa.scarlett@wairakeichch.school.nz or click this link to let us know if you are able to attend.