Te Kura o Wairākei Whānau and Community Hangi
On Thursday 30 March from 4:45pm - 6:30pm, we will be having a whole school and community event. This will include a whole school kapa haka performance and will conclude with a subsidised hangi. It is important that as many of the children are able to participate as possible.
After a kapa haka performance the evening will conclude with the hangi being lifted and sharing the kai together.
The hangi packs will be $10 and there is enough food usually for 2 in a pack. Please complete the online form to indicate the number of packs you would like to order for your whānau. Please complete the form indicating numbers by Friday 17 March. Payment also needs to be made by Friday 24 March. Payment information is included in the form.
Selected children will be involved in the preparation of both the hangi pit and the food to be cooked. There will be opportunity for all children to be part of the process throughout the Wednesday and Thursday.
If you or other members of your whānau would like to assist in the process of preparing and cooking the hangi please email principal@wairakeichch.school.nz . We would love to have your help. :)
A schedule is below:
4:45pm - Mihi whakatau to welcome everyone to our celebration. (outside admin area under the ti kouka (cabbage trees)
5:00pm - 5:30pm- Wairakei Kapa Haka - tamariki to share their Kapa Haka learning
6:00pm - Hangi meal shared after kai karakia
It will be great to see as many people as possible to share in this time and support you tamariki to share their learning in this culturally appropriate way. Children are not required to wear uniform to this event after school.
Ngā mihi
Catherine Parkes