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by Ruth Pritchard

Wairere Gets Fit to Write

Ruth Pritchard - February 23, 2023

As part of our recount writing Wairere students were put through their paces and participated in an intense fitness circuit.

We've found that the best writing often happens after a polarising experience that could be either loved or loathed. What could be more polarising than an intense fitness workout!? To create a shared experience that we could then write about the Wairere students were grouped and then instructed to give it their all at nine different fitness stations. 

The stations were:

- Bunny hops over benches

- Sit ups

- Plank

- Star jumps

- Wall sit

- Shuttle runs with cones

- Hula hooping

- Line jumps

- Tricep curls

It is fair to say that the descriptive and emotive language that the course brought forth from students will make for some epic writing next week! Even the most confident athletes going in to the circuit ended feeling exhausted, beaten, and with hearts pumping so fast there was a real fear they might explode right out of their chests. Keep an eye out for some of the fabulous writing that we'll be doing about this experience.