From the Rector
The Rector - April 12, 2019
Academically we were relatively pleased with our results from NCEA 2018, especially the outstanding Level 2 pass rate of 83% and the best Level 3 pass rate in 5 years but we are still not where we want to be…….yet. For 2019 we have set school goals to at least improve on our 2018 pass rates, especially at Level 1. We are also looking to achieve 25 Excellence endorsements (21 in 2018) and 60 endorsements in total (51 in 2018). From last night’s Governance meeting and the first “tracking” report of the year we are optimistic that these goals are achievable. Thanks also to the number of parents who attended that “open” meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for late May and I will confirm that date in due course. Despite considerable interruptions academic progress has been pleasing for most of the students in the senior school.
Outside the classroom, it has been well publicised the success that we have achieved. If you read Page 9 in today’s Oamaru Mail you will see the lengthy list of achievements from Croquet to Cricket, from Multisport to Mountain biking just to name a few. One of my highlights for this term took place yesterday when I visited the Observatory retirement village to hear our elite choir perform. This is the first time in two years that the elite choir has had the numbers to perform and is another sign of the positive direction we are heading. To Mr Stephen Hinds, Mr Alex Batista and the 17 boy’s involved – what a tremendous effort. The elderly folk who you entertained were incredibly impressed. Well done!
Sadly today we have fare-welled Ms Jessica Willets. Jessica has been teaching at WBHS for 5 years and has made a massive contribution – not only as a quality teacher of Social Studies, English, Media Studies and History but also she has been a Senior Dean over the last two years, edited the Waitakian magazine and been the Arts co-ordinator, overseeing the Scrano cultural competition along with musical productions. Her commitment to the boy’s is reflected in the respect they have for her, and her support particularly of the senior students she has had pastoral responsibility for has left a number of students truly indebted to her. She heads over to London to begin teaching English and we wish her all the very best, knowing she will be a huge success over there as she has been here. Her replacement for next term is Mrs Sarah Lawrence.
Once again, if I could ask for your support from home over a couple of issues. Firstly, with regards to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) – we are trying to embed this across the junior school so every student in Year 9 and 10 needs to bring a device (cell phone’s excluded) to school if they have one. Teachers are trying to use these more often than has been the case in the past. There are “bookable” devices for those boy’s who do not have access to one of their own. The reality at present is that simply put a number of boy’s are not bringing their devices to school. Secondly, with regards to uniform. With the colder weather approaching a number of boy’s have gone back to wearing some non – regulation uniform. The soft-shell jackets (which have been very popular) continue to be on sale at the uniform shop as are school jerseys. Boy’s may also wear their blazer if they choose. Blazers are now a
compulsory item for Year 13 students and I have previously explained the reasons for this. If you could help us with ensuring your son’s are wearing the correct uniform to and from school that would be greatly appreciated.
We are all working together raise the standards and make WBHS the great school that it is capable of becoming. We are not there…yet, but we are certainly heading in the right direction. Thanks once again for your on-going support. I wish all students and staff a relaxing holiday. In Term 2, with less interruptions on the calendar we will be focusing even more on academic progress. Term 2 starts with one of the highlights of the year, our ANZAC day service on Tuesday 30th April.
Enjoy the holiday break.
Ma whero ma ponga ka oti
Floreat Waitakia
Darryl Paterson