Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
Malo e lelei
Kaha u malo
Welcome to the WBHS Open Night of 2020. My name is Darryl Paterson and it is my privilege to be the Rector of WBHS. We very much appreciate you giving up your time on a week night to come and have a look around the school and see what Waitaki Boy’s has to offer your son in 2021.
Your son’s will be coming to a great school, a school that has had it’s challenges in the recent past, but a school that is now well along the way to rebuilding its reputation and I believe we are about to begin a significant growth phase.
I say this because
1. Firstly, we expect the school roll to increase significantly over the short-medium term with an increased number of Year 7 and 8 boys in our community - this will result in the school roll heading back over 400 and towards 450 in the near future.
2. Secondly our academic results are looking vastly improved this year and are set to be above the national boys schools average at all three NCEA Year Levels for the first time.
· Level 3 results – ‘tracking’ at 63% pass rate
· Level 2 results – ‘tracking’ at 79% pass rate
· Level 1 results – ‘tracking’ at 75% pass rate
These are significantly higher than our 2019 results and as always do not reflect the success that a large number of our boys have who may not complete NCEA Level 2 or 3 but take up apprenticeships and meaningful employment. We also expect over 70 course endorsements this year for boys achieving Merit or Excellence. This compares to 43 last year!
3. Thirdly, student engagement statistics and feedback indicate a growing positivity in school culture.
· Top fortnightly notes (explain) – 184 last term (nearly 50% of the school), Term 2 2019 – 104, Term 1 2017 – 55 (at the same time referrals for bad behaviour have been decreasing) Term 2 2020 referrals – 45, compared to 108 a year ago.
· We now have a positive difference of 139 compared to a negative difference of 4 a year ago.
· Last week our Year 9 students completed the Me and My School survey.
· Of the 72 boys surveyed 89% said they were proud to be at this school, 88% said they felt safe at school, 92% said they had a lot of respect for their teachers and 83 % said that felt like they are making progress at school.
We would like this to be 100% and are well aware we are not there yet but are heading in that direction.
4. Finally as a staff we believe the implementation of the new Mobile phone and electronic device policy will be transformational and it is already proving to be so. These devices are now not allowed to be used during our school day. Along with growing resilience and self-confidence which comes from not being dependant on social media throughout the day it is our firm belief that this policy will see increasing value placed on the school day as a time for teaching and learning and this reflects the fact that teaching and learning comes first here. This in turn will lead to increased student engagement and with this we will see improved attendance, improved behaviour and improved academic outcomes.
It has been fantastic to walk the school grounds over the past week and a half and see boys talking to each other or engaging in activities and not with their heads down over a screen. Last week I asked a group of boys what they were doing to which they replied just having a yarn sir and I thought to myself that is so cool.
Our vision ….open up the school, the front garden, conservation projects, orienteering, BMX track, robotics, e-sports, social centre (table tennis), cards – games in the Library, swimming/diving in the summer months. This is already starting to happen which is simply awesome.
I won’t speak now about our teaching facilities, the incredible grounds and buildings we have, the co-curricular opportunities we offer, the programmes we have in place for pastoral care , character development, curriculum support, the extensive transition process or even the amazing staff we have because you will hear about and see that that as you tour the school.
Finally I would I want to reflect on a question I am asked a lot what does Waitaki Boys’ do well. I have to say my answer is We are inclusive here
Here at Waitaki we have a wide range of students with a wide range of abilities and challenges and we are proud of them all. From boys’ who need one to one care to boys who need to move a year ahead in some aspects of the curriculum. From boys who win Otago and South Island sports events to boys who are playing a sport for the first time. From boys who come from relatively affluent stable background s to boys who may have a solo unemployed parent. We treat them all equally and I think the boys truly appreciate difference. We believe this appreciation sets our young men up well for the real world.
It is an incredibly exciting time to be sending your son to Waitaki Boys’ as we move into this growth phase. This is one of the great schools of NZ and will be again before your son’s leave us. We look forward very much to sharing that experience with him. I would like to finish by assuring you that the Board and staff are all totally committed to our school vision which is inspiring young men of outstanding character.