Hero photograph
Photo by Waitaki Girls' High School

Amnesty International

Aurora Smyth, Media Liaison —

On Wednesday the 3rd of June, the Waitaki Girls’ Amnesty International group was lucky enough to have the Community Manager of Amnesty International New Zealand, Margaret Taylor join our meeting as a guest speaker.

Over her life, Margaret has spent many years being an advocate and supporter for Amnesty. Before she became the Community Manager in 2001, she spent 10 years as the New Zealand volunteer refugee coordinator, so she definitely knows what she's talking about when it comes to this year's Freedom Challenge theme “Take me to a safe place'' which has taken the media by storm over the past couple of weeks. “Take me to a safe place” is a call for Asylum Seekers in New Zealand to be treated like human beings, not kept in the same facilities or treated as murderers and rapists when they have done nothing but seek asylum in our beautiful country. She spoke passionately about the treatment of these people and the injustice they faced in prison. We, as a country, seem to forget that these people that we are regarding in such low esteem, were not always Asylum seekers. They are first and foremost people. They are daughters, sons, mothers and fathers. Here in New Zealand, we shouldn't have this level of ignorance. We should take this opportunity and use our voices to raise awareness about the rights that these refugees have. 

You can help create change by taking action now. To sign the petition regarding Asylum Seekers in New Zealand or to read more about the cause, just jump on the Amnesty International Website www.amnesty.org.nz. 

We appreciate your voice and your support.