Aurora Smyth, Amnesty International — Sep 13, 2021

Our main campaign focus this year was “Please Take Me To A Safe Place” which were the desperate words of a young man stuck in an Auckland prison simply for seeking asylum in our beautiful country.

During this week, the Amnesty team at Waitaki Girls’ High School made an outstanding effort to fundraise and promote the Freedom Challenge values and views. Our members sold badges and bumper stickers at intervals and lunch times as well as holding our World Famous Bake Sale on Friday the 13 of August. Over the span of the week we were thrilled to be able to say we managed to raise a total of $450 which is an all time high for the Amnesty group at Waitaki. This money will go to the New Zealand Amnesty International team to help in the campaigns to help people seeking asylum in New Zealand.

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise awareness on this crucial issue and supported us during the week.