Proudly a cell phone free school
Waitaki Girls’ High School is committed to:
· Valuing and protecting the school day as a time for students to engage with teaching and learning
· Encouraging our students to be actively involved with each other and in the wider life of the school
· Developing the self-confidence and resilience to minimise dependency upon social media
· Fostering face to face connection and a sense of belonging in our school community.
With these as our desired outcomes, we have clear expectations in place around the use of all electronic transmitting devices, particularly cell phones, by Waitaki Girls’ High students during the school day so these devices do not interfere with school life. These guidelines are to be observed between 8.30am and 3.05pm on school days, as well as special school events outside regular school hours. This is an addition to our BYOD/Cybersafety agreement, which students and parents sign as part of the enrolment process.
For students in Years 9 to 12, cell phones must be kept at home. If, in extenuating circumstances, students require their cell phone (for use either before or after school) it must be handed in to the school office for safe keeping prior to the Period 1 bell, where it can be collected at the end of the school day. Smart watches are considered an extension of a smart phone, thus the same rule applies. Year 13 students may use their cell phones during interval and lunch breaks, but during class time and between periods, cell phones must be turned off and stored in school bags.
If there is an urgent need for communication that cannot wait until the end of the school day, students and parents can make contact with one another through the school office. Exceptions will only be considered if they are put in writing to the Board of Trustees, and will be on a case by case basis for medical reasons only.
There are many social, emotional and academic benefits to be realised for our students from restrictions around cell phone access during the school day. We look forward to the support of our wider community to establish these expectations at Waitaki Girls’ High School.