Mr Darryn Stewart, BOT Parent Rep. — Jul 6, 2022

Hi everyone, my name is Darryn Stewart I have currently been on the BOT since 2014, when my eldest daughter started at Waitaki Girls', and now my youngest daughter is in her last year.

I was previously on the board for Oamaru Intermediate which I thoroughly enjoyed and when the opportunity arose to join the WGHS board I saw it as another good opportunity to serve the community.

As part of my role for the BOT is to help look after the property and new developments and with maintaining the school. Such as the redevelopment of the library block, the interior hall upgrade and we are currently working on the junior block with a re-roof as stage 1 and then a major upgrade of the classrooms and administration areas in stage 2. Which will be exciting to see it all completed.

During my time on the board I have enjoyed working alongside the different representatives and learning about the insights of running a school.

I have enjoyed my time on the BOT, and with the elections coming up in September I would encourage other people to put their names forward for what is a rewarding experience.