Ms M Williams, Deputy Principal — Apr 14, 2021

On Thursday 6 May we are holding 3-way Learning Conversations and you and your daughter are invited to be a part of this. As this is an extension of our mentoring programme you will meet with her Whanau teacher.

This is a student led conversation and your daughter will be encouraged to take an active role in this discussion around her goals and targets. The focus of these conversations is on learning and not behaviour. It is a chance for her to share her goals as well as strategies to reach these goals and how you and the school can support her in reaching these. It is also an opportunity to ensure that we have the correct personal information details (such as contact details and health).

No timetabled classes will run on this day so that these conversations can take place; as all students are expected to attend their interview. Students are not required to wear school uniform. Bookings are now open for you to make an appointment online with your daughter's Whanau teacher. Appointment times can be booked via using the code rcmet

Appointment times will be available between 9.30am and 6.30pm. If you are unable to book online please contact the school office and a time will be booked for you. If it is more convenient for you to have an interview using an online platform (eg google hangout) please make direct contact with your daughter's Whanau teacher.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 6 May

Margaret Williams