Hero photograph
Photo by Waitaki Girls' High School


Waitaki Girls' High School —

WGHS is a BYOD (Bring your own device) school, enabling all students to regularly use a digital platform for their learning.

Students may choose which brand/type of device to bring, however it must meet the minimum screen size requirements of a 10” screen and a permanent keyboard. 

For junior students, a chromebook will meet learning needs. 

Seniors may wish to have either a chromebook or a laptop, depending on the subjects they are taking and requirements for these. 

You may wish to consider one of the following options for your daughter:

1. Use a device which they already own.

2. Buy a new device.

3. Use a school device.

For students who wish to use a school device, chromebooks will be available for students to use during term time. A bond of $20 will be paid on issue of a device and this will be refunded when the device is returned in its original condition. Students are welcome to use a school device until they are able to acquire their own.

Students are required to have signed a BYOD/Cybersafety agreement.  This sets the guidelines for computer use within the school.