Hero photograph
Photo by Waitaki Girls' High School

Year 10 Science Field Trip

Mrs L Lilley and the Year 10 Science Teaching Team —

The Year 10 Science classes travelled to the Forrester Gallery this week to view the ‘Earth caught in stone’ exhibit.

This brought together Scientists and Artists, and featured many of the local geological features students will be studying in science this year. We were lucky enough to be hosted by the Geoeducator of Waitaki Whitestone Geopark Trust Sasha Morriss and the Curator of the Forrester Gallery Elizabeth King, who guided us through the exhibit explaining bryozoans and how they made up the very building we were standing in. They also showed us giant penguins, the relatives of our own Little Blue Penguins, and the ancient volcano which is now Cape Wanbrow. A huge thank you to The Lion Foundation for funding our bus transfers, allowing us to get down and back.

Mrs Lilley and the Year 10 Science teaching team