Hero photograph
Photo by Waitaki Girls' High School

Principal's Address

Ms Elizabeth Koni, Principal —

Tēnā koutou, Malo e lelei, Tālofa lava, Bula vinaka, Good afternoon.

Yesterday, Junior Prizegiving provided us the opportunity, not only to celebrate those who have achieved personal excellence, but for all of us to pause and think about what we have learnt this year. Not just about the school curriculum, but about ourselves, and our world. Because when we view our experiences, even the difficult ones, from a teachable perspective, and recognise that everything that happens to us in life offers us a learning opportunity, we can appreciate years like this one from a different angle. Challenge, change and uncertainty will always be a part of life. But how we respond to them - that is up to us. If we so choose, we can see the opportunities that disruption and change can offer us. The opportunity to learn something new. The opportunity to develop resilience. The opportunity to grow, succeed, to flourish.

A British-American author, Simon Senek, poses the ultimate challenge to individuals - to find our Why. Our purpose. Not what we do, or how we do it, but why we do what you do. It’s a pretty powerful (and slightly intimidating) question, but a really important one to ponder. When I think about our Why here at Waitaki Girls’, I start with what we aim to do for our young women, which is encapsulated in our vision to inspire personal excellence in learning and life. How we accomplish this vision is through our school goals - excellence in teaching and learning, nurturing wellbeing and building a positive school culture. But at the heart of our what and how lies our Why. Why do we do what we do?

The answer is actually quite simple. We do what we do because we want every WGHS student to be their best selves. Because being their best self here at school will bring not only accomplishment and satisfaction, but more importantly opportunity and contentment. Being their best self means that they are confident and courageous in their learning and your lives. It means that inevitable setbacks and failures do not define them, but make them stronger. It means that the possibilities of what they can achieve now and in the future are endless. It means that they are tall poppies, proud of who they are and what they believe. It means that they are valued members of our community who will make a positive contribution to our world. It means that they live with the values of acceptance, empathy and kindness, values which have never been more important. Being their best self means living a fulfilled life, a life where they can truly flourish. And this is why we do what we do.

I have been so proud this year to be part of a school community that displays adaptability, resilience and perseverance on a daily basis and all credit goes to our students. They have embraced learning, both in and outside the classroom. They have been open minded and supportive of what we want to achieve as a school. They have trusted the decisions that we have made. They have stepped out of your comfort zones and pursued personal excellence. They have lived The Waitaki Way.

As our school year draws to a close, I wish to thank our parents and caregivers for their continued support; for trusting our Why. I look forward to working with you to our school goals, and ultimately our vision to inspire young women to pursue personal excellence in their learning and their lives in 2022. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

Elizabeth Koni
