Lesley Henderson, Health Nurse — May 25, 2022

Having your period is normal and healthy and for most people although they may be annoying they do not significantly disrupt their lives.

Unfortunately for some people though, periods can be heavy, long and painful and cause people to miss school or work or sporting activities.


· Gentle exercise can help with cramps

· Drinking lots of water

· Eating a healthy, balanced diet with lots of vegetables

· Try some relaxation techniques

· Heat pads (wheat bag/hot water bottle)

· Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

· Taking pain relief medication like ibuprofen/neurofen, paracetamol or aspirin

· Hormonal medications from your Doctor

Our Public Health Nurse, Lesley Henderson, is on site one morning each week and available to meet with students and/or parents if they would like to discuss support around periods or any health concern.

Please feel free to contact her on 027 4886521

or email lesley.henderson@southerndhb.govt.nz