At Waitaki Girls’ High School students are expected to take pride in their appearance and to wear their uniform correctly and in a manner which brings credit to themselves and the school at all times.
The Waitaki Girls’ High School uniform is compulsory for all students. All our uniform items with the exception of shoes are available from our Uniform shop.
Blazer Black with school crest (compulsory) must be worn to and from school each day and at formal school occasions.
Skirt MacDonald tartan pleated kilt (below knee).
Shirt Long sleeve white blouse (winter) or Short-sleeved blouse with Dress Macdonald tartan trim (summer)
Tie Regulation tie.
Jersey Woollen WGHS V-neck, jersey with school Crest (optional).
Socks WGHS striped white ankle school socks (summer) or black knee high socks or tights (winter).
Shoes Black hard leather lace-up shoes (conventional school shoe style).
Jacket WGHS waterproof jacket (optional).
Scarf Striped weaveknit scarf (optional).
Pants Black with school crest (optional)
Students are expected to be well groomed and neatly presented and to have clean, well pressed uniforms. Polyprops or similar tops worn under a student’s shirt must not be visible. Hair must be a natural colour and completely tied back with a plain band, off the face at all times. Single taonga are permitted and when worn need to sit below the collar line of a student’s shirt. No make-up, artificial cosmetic enhancements or jewellery of any kind are permitted, other than a named watch and two small (up to 5mm in diameter/depth), studs in the outer ear, or small sleepers may be worn in the lower lobe only. Facial piercings are not permitted. Nail polish is not permitted. Visible tattoos are not permitted.
The school reserves the right to determine whether a student’s general appearance is not in compliance with the school uniform and dress codes. Students who do not meet our standards of dress and appearance may be withdrawn from their regular classes until the matter is resolved.
There is a Uniform Shop onsite, the opening hours are Thursdays 1 – 2pm during term time. Please see the flyer in this newsletter for information about extended hours in January.