Hero photograph
Photo by Waitaki Girls' High School

Principal's Welcome

Waitaki Girls' High School —

Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka, Kia orana, Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa.

A very warm welcome to all returning students, new students, staff and whānau, to Waitaki Girls’ High School for 2023. I am delighted with the number of students, from within the Waitaki region and further afield, who are choosing to come to Waitaki Girls’ High School next year. As a single sex girls’ school, we are proud to provide an environment that allows our young women to achieve greater academic success and be more confident, to be challenged, to take risks, to make mistakes and to step out of their comfort zones in an environment that is safe, positive and nurturing.

We have a proud history of academic achievement and next year will be no exception as we continue to inspire our young women to pursue personal excellence. Alongside our academic programme is our focus on values-based education, which focuses on life-long wellbeing, encouraging our young women to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions, enhance personal resilience, promote a growth mindset and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating values-based learning alongside the academic, cultural, sporting and service opportunities at school, allows our young women to flourish in both their learning and in life.

Our school culture is underpinned by our Waitaki Way values of respect, responsibility and resilience, along with our belief in the power of high expectations for effort, behaviour and attitude. This is the belief that every young woman has qualities and capabilities that can contribute positively to our school, our community and our society. As educators it is our responsibility to help our students discover what these are and ensure that they aspire to be the best that they can be.

Here at Waitaki Girls’ we have three main goals: Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Nurturing Wellbeing, and building a Positive School Culture. As Principal, each day I am afforded the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of your daughters, and for me, it is not only a responsibility, but a privilege to ensure that we achieve these goals for every young woman who attends our school, so they develop to be confident, capable and content young women, who make the most out of every opportunity that life brings.

Rebecca Dorsey and Renee Stenning, as head and deputy head girl for 2023, will be leading the student body next year. 2023 will bring new beginnings, new challenges and new learning for us all. We start the year officially with a mihi whakatau at 8.40am on Monday 30 January for all new students and staff to the school. Parents are welcome to attend this also. Prior to this, senior students will have Course Confirmation on Thursday 26 January.

We look forward to seeing you all in the new year and for your continued support. Until then, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday.

Elizabeth Koni
