Hero photograph
Year 9 T Ball Game
Photo by Waitaki Girls' High School

Peer Support Programme

Waitaki Girls' High School —

The Peer Support programme is a personal development programme for Year 9 students led by Year 13 seniors.

This programme focuses on helping the Year 9s transition into Waitaki Girls' High School. The Yr 13 leaders are trained to help the Yr 9s develop the skills, knowledge and confidence required to have a successful high school experience. This particular Peer Support programme occurs every Wednesday morning before school for Term 1. Throughout this programme, the Year 9s are taught communication and cooperation skills, the Waitaki way values, self-awareness, understanding culture and diversity, values, ways to identify and cope with peer pressure and bullying, school and self expectations and relationships between family and friends. Engaging in this programme is a great opportunity for Year 9s to get to know one another and form friendships and during this time Year 13s tend to be the sources of moral support and become role models for the younger students.

This year our Peer Support programme has already commenced and our Year 9s have already undertaken the process of transitioning into Waitaki Girls' High School. Last Friday, the Year 9s went through several orientation activities led by their assigned Year 13 leaders and were taken around the school to build their confidence regarding getting to classes and knowing their way around school. These activities were followed with energizers that brought them together as a group and made them comfortable with each other. These sessions will continue throughout the term and will cover the various aspects mentioned above. We are looking forward to getting to know the girls more and working alongside them.