Hero photograph
Photo by Linda Mullenger

Principal's message

Sarah Hay —

The school ball was a fantastic night filled with grace and the beautiful conduct of our senior students.

Tēnā koutou

I hope this newsletter finds you well at this time of the term, which is very busy for all students.

We have had a busy two-week period and I would like to share some reflections with you.

1. School Ball

The Waitaki Combined School Ball that was held at the Loan and Merc on 27th May was a fantastic night. The students shared a beautiful meal and then danced the night away. The conduct of the students was exemplary. I was impressed with the engagement and fun that the students all had. Many thanks to our staff who organised this event, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Hudson. Rebecca Dorsey and Ben O'Sullivan also need to be thanked for their organisation of this wonderful event.

2. Open Day

A huge thank you to our Tour Guides who made the recent open day very successful. We have a large number of families and students that came and saw the fantastic learning that is happening in classes every day. We are scheduled to have an Open Evening on Thursday 27th July.

3. Extra-curricular Activities

I would like to offer my appreciation to the large number of volunteers at Waitaki Girls’ High School. Without your support, we would not be able to offer all the extra-curricular activities. In the past week, we have seen success at the Youth Film Festival, Aoraki Swimming, and Netball.

4. Classroom

Congratulations to all students for their hard work and dedication to their studies. We are proud of your achievements and growth. Special recognition goes to our Year 9 Science and Digital Technology classes who have been featured in this newsletter. The seniors have been encouraged to complete an audit of how many NCEA credits they have achieved and what they still are to complete. If a student is not where they need to be at this halfway stage of the academic year, there is time to help rectify this situation. They need to be proactive.

I wish you all a restful King's Birthday weekend.

Nāku iti noa, nā

Sarah Hay