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Dulcie Draw

Waitaki Girls High —

The Dulcie Draw is coming back!

The Waitaki Way Consultation Group has been hard at work organising surveys and figuring out logistics, and after a successful meeting with the Senior Leadership Team, we are excited to announce that the Dulcie Draw is being reinstated. Not to worry though, we will still have the Dulcie badges for those who love the badge acknowledgement. But now, during the final assembly of every term, we are going to have a Dulcie Draw. 

Each year group must have their full Dulcie cards handed in to the office by the end of the term. The actual date for each term will be in the notices. The cards are collected into a box for each year group and there will be two winners from each year group. These winners are entitled to a $30 voucher of their choice. Students have suggested voucher ideas and the Waitaki Way Consultation Group will be making up a choice sheet.

Even more exciting is the end of year Draw for Seniors and Juniors. The final Senior Draw will be held during the final assembly, while the final Junior Draw will be held at Junior Prize-Giving. All cards are kept from the Dulcie Draws throughout the year, and for the final draw there will be extra added prizes along with the vouchers.

Teachers will sign the cards of students who show positive behaviours of the Waitaki Way values: Respectful, Responsible, and Resilient.The expectations are to develop personal, social and academic skills, values and competencies that are transferable and will continue through life. Term one the focus is on our expectation of being respectful. Students need to demonstrate these expectations in all settings, including the classroom, school grounds and when they are out representing our school in sports or cultural events. Even walking home or travelling on the bus the expectation is that we will be respectful and show care and consideration for self, others and our school environment.