by Linda Mullenger

Principal's message

Sarah HayMay 18, 2023

Welcoming budding students into our community and connecting with our Old Girls Association have been highlights over the past two weeks.

Tēnā koutou

Waitaki Girls' High School has continued to be a hive of activity over the past two weeks. We are very grateful to the staff that continues to provide opportunities that are outside the curriculum to our students. It is the willingness of our staff that makes Waitaki Girls' a special place to be.

It was fantastic to have our Old Girls' Association active in our school when they supported us in our celebration of King Charles's coronation. It is through these connections that our community grows stronger.

Our senior students have been supporting me when I have been visiting contributing schools. I was filled with pride as these students shared their experiences at Waitaki Girls’ and answered all the students’ questions with grace. Our open day had record numbers of whānau in attendance, it was great to receive such positive feedback regarding the teaching and learning that was happening at school and the positive relationships that were present.

This week at assembly I talked about Tenacity. Tenacity is the quality displayed by someone who just won't quit and keeps trying until they reach their goal. We have a large number of students that have shown much Tenacity. I reminded our Senior students that we are nearly at the halfway stage of the Academic Year, and they will need to be focused and determined and show tenacity as we head toward completing internal assessments and preparing ourselves for external examinations. I challenged all the senior students to look at the number of credits that they have achieved and then check to see that they are on target. If not, the students have time to find a solution to allow their goals to be met.

Nāku iti noa, nā

Sarah Hay

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