Hero photograph
Photo by Waitākiri Admin

Principal's Message

Waitākiri Admin —

Welcome to term 4! We trust that you managed to have some quality time with your children.

Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Kia ora whānau

Thank you for keeping your children at home on Monday so we could engage with the new curriculum. We had two advisors from the Ministry of Education working with the staff and made some good progress.

We have another busy term of learning and fun lined up. Please keep an eye on the calendar. During week 3 Monday 23 October is Labour Day, there is a plant sale, sausage sizzle and for years 3-6 athletics day on Thursday.

It is our intention to send emails home to all families about the attendance rates of your children. This is to celebrate the awesome attendance of most students and highlight the lower attendance rates of some. Parents might not be aware what a difference the “odd day off here and there” makes. The Ministry of Education regards regular attendance as over 90% attendance. When looking closely at data we notice that students who have lower attendance are at times students who are struggling academically. It does make a difference to students' learning if they miss a day here or there. Learning builds on the previous day and is scaffolded for students. We also see behavioural issues when some students come back to school because they do not understand the learning and they can be anxious about friendships.

The proposed 25m in ground swimming pool is still at council being processed for consent. We are hoping to receive consent very soon.

We have 60 students starting swimming lessons after school this term. On Monday night Woody and I supported Caleb and Lilah from the Student Council, who attended a Community Board meeting to ask for funding to provide free after school swim tuition for some students. We hope to be able to offer these lessons soon.

Online safety is a real concern for us at school for students, parents and staff. There is an information evening on 7th November at Ōrua Paeroa (AGHS/SBHS). Details are in this newsletter. Please book this date in your calendar and please be involved in your child’s digital life as much as you are in their non-digital life. Please also keep devices out of their bedrooms!

It is that time of the year when we start the process of forming home groups for 2024. If you have any information that would help us, please email our Deputy Principal Jacqui Malham before 3pm Wednesday 25th October. If you have shared information previously that is still pertinent for home group placements, please reshare it with Jacqui at jacqui.malham@waitakiri.school.nz

We are having our ‘End of Year Celebration’ on Friday 10 November starting at 4.30pm - approx 7pm. This is for all students and their families. We have food vendors on site or you can bring your own picnic. More information to come out via Hero - please mark your calendar now for this fun end of year celebration for the whole family.

Have a great term 4!

Noho ora mai

Andrew Barker, Principal