Caroline Brown — Jul 30, 2019

We had some amazing efforts at the school cross country on Monday afternoon. It was great to see all of the training pay off. Well done to everyone who took part and a huge thanks to all of the supporters! (photo credit to Melissa Merriman - thanks Melissa :) )

I was nervous when I lined up. The countdown was unexpected - ‘Clap!’ We all sprinted as if we were running for our lives. I was halfway then I got a stitch. As I crossed the finish line relief rushed through my veins.                 By Quinn

When I finished the race I was relieved that I did not end up in last place.I was exhausted after the race so I sat down on the hill to watch the Year 6’s race. After I just watched the juniors race.        By Liam W

I reluctantly walked up to the line. I glanced at my mum, she gave me the thumbs up.

I had no confidence in myself at all. I thought no, it’s not the end of the world!

I felt queasy. I passed the playground and Mum joined me running. My fear had been overlapped with excitement. I was trying my best.

As I moved to my second lap Mrs. Smith joined me as I passed the field, I was so close to the end. I saw my mum at the end so I let go of Mrs. Smith’s hand and I used the last of my energy. I ran to the end. I collapsed to the ground. My mum laughed. Mrs. Brown asked me if I felt good after doing it? I said with confidence in my voice, “Not at all. I was too exhausted to think about how well I had done!”

By Madison C

My heart pounded, my stomach churned, the butterflies were having a party but I was excited at the same time. I ran to and fro to watch the races before me, then the time dawned on me my race was about to start! I ran to the line and lined up by the big orange cone. Mrs Gribben cried, “Ready, set and clap!"                        By Jaime 

At the end I was breathless. I was hallucinating. I heard my Dad tell me that I came 15th - my best score. My throat was watering so much I sat down I was so overwhelmed . My shoulder kind of hurt but I did not care. I helped bring the cones back to the teachers sports cupboard. By Danny

As I pulled up at the finish line I felt ecstatic. Breathlessness was making its way through my body. I was overwhelmed it was finished. The crowd was clapping and cheering parents were surrounding areas. The run was over all I could hear was the sound of adult talking and kids yelling . I leapt onto the sky blue tarpaulin . I lay there hyperventilating then reluctantly getting up to watch the other kids run. I heard people cheering as loud as they could for the other children. “Yay!” “Wow!” The parents were cheering as loud as they could.                                     by Esme L

As I ran around the cross country track I was hyperventilating. I had a stitch and a cramp. My dad had joined the crowd. He was taking a video of me. As I ran past him i sped up. That ended up being a bad idea as I almost tripped. I heard clapping coming from all around. I ran faster near the end to get 14th place. After that I collapsed in exhaustion. I went to find my dad but before I could get there I collapsed again.                       By Jack S.

I felt nervous, afraid, petrified. I really wanted to get first place. I needed to run faster than the wind! My stomach was tingling with nerves, I felt like I was going to faint on the spot! Mrs Gribben shouted, “Ready! Set! BANG!!!” Everyone sets off blazing! I thought the grass would catch fire we were running so fast!         By Ashton

As I ran I felt sick! I got the stitch in the middle of the race. The other contestants were passing me, then I passed them. I NEED to get first place! At the end I was breathless. But I was happy that it was done - yay!                        By Liam B

I ran so fast. It felt good. I liked it when my brother Jackson ran with me. When I finished I was sooooo tired and my legs were sore.  I was happy I tried.              By Jade