Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Lawson

Spring Fever takes hold.

Anna Lawson —

The children in the Rooms 12 and 13 hub are skipping for joy with the arrival of spring.

We have brought out the skipping ropes and the children are enjoying learning how to skip with ropes.  We have a wide range of abilities, with some children showing amazing skills, and if it had been a Commonwealth games event we would have had some real contenders.  There were a lot of children who had not skipped with a rope before who found the initial activity rather daunting. However with a demonstration from an enthusiastic teacher and some very clever children they picked up the basic idea.  They then were able to practice simple steps jumping over the rope.  We will be building up their skills over the rest of the term, making the most of this fabulous Spring weather to get out get fit and get skipping.