Anna Lawson — Jul 31, 2017

Rooms 16 and 4 have had a super start to the term coming together for our new topic and even some art lessons.

All of the children in Rooms 16 and 4 are very excited about our new topic for the term "From the earth to the moon."  We came together last week to find out what the children already knew about this topic and were amazed at all the information we gathered.  It was fun working together and giving each other ideas and sharing what we knew.

On Friday we came together again for some art.  This term we are exploring different uses of fibre in our art.  We decided to start with a simple activity using wool.  We coloured and cut out a simple bird.  Then the children used wool to cover and create the body of the bird, then we added eyes and feathers, we were all very proud of our completed birds.  The children worked very well together and we were lucky enough to open the staff room doors and extend into this space, where the children worked sensibly and creatively together.