Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

Water, water everywhere, is there enough to drink?

Chris Smith —

An exciting term for our learners with a 'Water' theme running across the Project Based Learning time in all Syndicates.

Welcome back to the 2nd term of the 2019 School year. Thanks for your efforts in our first term, especially camp parents, sports coaches, reading helpers and our tireless Home and School Committee for all that you do.

As this goes to 'print' I will be making my way to the uLead Conference in Banff, Canada. The conference titled Reimagining Leadership has 1200 attendees from around the world. The Hills Cluster Principals have been asked to present at the conference which is quite humbling. I look forward to bringing back some new found wisdom. In my absence, our Deputy Principal, Mrs Staecy Gribben, will be looking after the running of the School.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Board of Trustees for supporting my application to attend.

The children have made a very pleasing start back, I was especially impressed on the morning of day 1 as I visited classes to see children ready for learning. 

We can now officially welcome Mrs Dowland on board. Roz has taken over from Mrs Anna Hartley and has settled in extremely well to life teaching at Wakari in the Room 15/16 Hub.

As always if I can be of assistance do make contact.

Regards Chris