Chris Smith — Dec 1, 2020

There is no doubt 2020 will live in the memories of everyone for a number of different reasons for some time to come.

I want to thank you once more, for all you have done to keep yourselves, your whānau and our community as safe as possible. I also extend a specific thank you to all those in our community who have worked in health services and on the frontline to support New Zealand’s defence against COVID-19.

To our Home and School Committee and our Board of Trustees, our entire community thanks you for your tireless efforts that ensure the pupils and staff are given every opportunity to be the best they can be. 

To Mrs Dorothy Hutton, Mrs Ele Savage, Mr Jason MacDonald and Mr Zac Alridge who are all leaving us at the end of 2020 we wish you all the best on your future endeavours. Thanks for your commitment to the children of Wakari School.

On Monday evening we farewelled 2 long-serving Trustees of our Board, Beth Chisholm and David Irvine. For more about these 2 valued members of our community please see the article included in this publication. 

Personally, I want to thank the staff who have worked magnificently across this year. You are an amazing bunch and it is my privilege to be your Principal.

Lastly and most importantly, the kids, what a great bunch. Whether it be seeing you thriving in hubs, competing on the sports field or playing at various times across the day the daily interactions are never anything that I take for granted.

Enjoy a well-earned break with friends and family.

He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata - What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.

Kind regards,
