Hero photograph
Photo by Bryce Horgan

Stream Team Trip 2

Isabela Green-Santos —

A group of Seniors went to the Kaikorai stream. See what they found.

On the 11th of April the Stream Team had another trip to the Kaikorai Stream and the KVC farm. These are some things we did!

Electric fishing: When we went to the stream we went electric fishing! Fish and Game came so that we could electric fish. First he explained to us how the machine works and how electric fishing is done as well as explaining the health and safety information! It turns out that electric fishing is very different to what everyone thought! To electric fish, there is a machine that goes on your back and then a tube with it and a hoop at the end of the tube! Then you go into the water with thick gum boots so that you do not get electrocuted and you walk with the hoop in the water until it zaps a fish and the fish floats up to the top of the water and then you can have a look at the fish! 

Water Clarity: While we were at the farm, we looked at the water clarity and conducted a couple of experiments! The first experiment was fun, we had beakers and added sodium chloride to them. Then to our beakers we added water, and looked at what happened when we mixed both the water and the sodium chloride together! What we saw was that the sodium chloride was a lot smaller than earlier and soon we could not even see the sodium chloride! Which then proved that there can be things in water that sometimes we can not see! Then we did another experiment using a secchi disk with a tube at the top, to see the clarity of the water.

Nectar Run: The nectar run was fun! How it worked was there were two teams and each team had a beaker with a red line and a pipette! How the race worked was you have to run to the nectar/yellow food colored water, take a drop with the Pipette and then add the drop of nectar to the beaker! This was very fun and it went very well! At the end of that activity we all learnt something new, but to me the most amazing thing that I learnt was that if a bee circled the earth one time around collecting nectar the bee would only be able to make one tablespoon of honey out of the nectar!

This day was good fun and the perfect way to take in our findings was to have a talk to everyone at the end enjoying the delicious cinnamon apple loaf that Mrs Gribben made as well as the grown apples and pears from the farm! 

by Isabela