Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Smith

Project Based Learning

Chris Smith —

Friday projects are well underway and I thank all of those that have ventured in and lent a helping hand.

The Friday Project Based learning structures across the School are continuing to appeal to both students, teachers and staff from other schools. This Friday we will be visited by  7 Staff from Otago Boys' High School as they begin to look towards an Inquiry Learning-based model in a Secondary setting.

Congratulations to the group of students that performed at the Matariki celebrations on Sunday at the Flagstaff Church. I have had numerous positive comments on your efforts and the way you represented Wakari School.

Parent Interview slips have been sent home with the eldest child from each family. Please ensure you have these returned to your classroom by this coming Monday. Teachers look forward to the continuing support and efforts that come from these meetings.

As always touch base with your child's classroom teachers if you have any queries or concerns. Being able to sort things in a timely fashion can eleviate stress for both pupils and parents.

