Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Lowden

Middle Syndicate Friday Project

Lisa Lowden —

The Middle Syndicate have been really enjoying their Friday Projects.

At the beginning of Term 4 the children all got to choose activities/projects that they would like to take part in for half of the term. Some of the activities include kids yoga/mindfulness, tramping, making bath bombs, coding Edison robots, wearable arts, gumboot gardens, cardboard cities, dance group, baking, animation and cardboard animals. Thank you to all of our wonderful helpers! 

I like Friday projects because I'm learning to make bath bombs, It is lots of fun. - Quake

I love Friday Projects, this term I am in the baking group. We have made sweets and savoury. We have activities to do while we are waiting for things to cook. I might use the recipes I've learn't to cook for my family one day. I really want to do lots of cooking when I get older. - Holly

I'm really enjoying Friday projects because it is so much fun and we get to do lots of great stuff. I am in the dance group. Four of us are making up a group dance which we might present in Assembly. - Mikaela

I am really excited about my Friday Project. I am in the tramping group. Last week we tramped up Flagstaff. My legs were feeling really sore because there was lots of up hill and I tripped over a rock. It was really windy at the top but the views of Dunedin were amazing. - Neihana