Anna Ollerenshaw — Aug 26, 2020

We have started our Project Based Learning focus for Term 3 - The Dunedin Hospital Rebuild.

The Senior Hub have been lucky enough to have a number of experts visit us to teach us about the new Dunedin Hospital Rebuild. Many thanks to the following people who kindly shared their knowledge and answered many questions.

- Professor Rob Walker (specialist in kidney health)

- Nic Holborrow (A&E nurse) 

- Ange Landrebe (pediatric nurse)

- Claire Swift (play equipment) 

- Cam Grindlay (architect) 

- Tim Kemmett (signage)

- Dee O'Malley (Artsenta) 

- Pete Hodgson (chairman of Southern Partnership Group, overseeing the Dunedin hospital rebuild).

We learnt lots and are looking forward to putting our new knowledge into practice with the next phase of our learning.