Anna Ollerenshaw — May 12, 2021


In the Senior Hub we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe. Constable Ross has been teaching us how to keep ourselves safe.

These are somethings we can do to keep safe. It is a good thing to make sure we are safe and make good decisions:

  1. Make sure you don’t talk to people you don’t know.

  2. Make sure if you see things you don't like to see make sure to tell someone you trust, an adult.

  3. Keep personal information private.

  4. Don’t do things that people tell you to do, if it is not safe and sensible. You are in charge of yourself.

  5. Don't talk to people you don't know online.

  6. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Be confident.

  7. Don’t give your address to people you don't know.

  8. Only trust people you know.

  9. Use your words.

  10. Stop. Walk. Talk. Tell people to stop it if you don't like it. Walk away. Talk to someone you trust to help you.

By: Ruby K and Mikaela