Hero photograph
Photo by Balmacewen Intermediate

The 'FFF" Balmac Colour Run!

Balmacewen Intermediate —

Wednesday August 28th from 4-30 pm onwards with the run starting at 5.00pm.

FFF: (Family, Fun, Fitness)

Save the date! The first ever Balmacewen Community Colour Run/Walk will be held on 

As part of our Year 7 PBL topic on -Hauroa - looking at the factors that contribute to our overall health and wellbeing, we have organised a celebration of "FFF" with a colour fun run/walk/. This will be held at our school and on the Bishops Courts fields on August 28th with a postponement date on September 4th.

The cost to take part is $10 for a family, $5 for and adult and $2 a child. Tickets can be purchased from the Balamacewen Intermediate school office - just pop in with the correct cash or purchased on the DAY! We will kick off from 4.30pm as we gather in the school hall for a warm up and information. There will also be a coffee cart and juicies for sale and possibly a BBQ as a fundraiser for our sports teams. The money raised will go towards class mindfulness and physical activities resources. Wear a white coloured t-shirt or light coloured, dress up if you like!! Sunglasses are optional!

This is a fantastic chance to have fun as a family and to support our Year 7 PBL unit.