Chris Smith — Jul 5, 2021

Thanks for the support from the whole community across the term.

As we head into day 9 (Tuesday as I am writing this) with significant internet and phone issues I want to thank all the staff and pupils for continuing to march on without the support of our online environments. A massive thank you to Delwynne who has remained positive, as always, in dealing with the frustrations that this turbulence has caused.

The build continues to progress well. The weather has chucked everything at the team but they continue to stay pretty close to the timeline of completion for January 16 2022. The plans for our Administration and Accessibility project is chugging along in the background with our technical engineers on-site for a meeting first day of next term. We hope to get this out to tender later in the year.

Parent Interviews were again well supported and I thank everyone for coming out on a pretty snowy evening, also thanks to those who have rescheduled if yours was missed on Tuesday due to the weather. 

It was lovely to watch our Tikanga Wakari group perform for the Matariki celebration at Flagstaff church on Sunday. My thanks to Mrs Bonney, Mrs Mepham and Mrs Gribben for the work that went on behind the scenes preparing the children for the event.

It certainly has been a term with plenty of excellent learning and opportunities outside of the classroom. These of course would not be possible without our fabulous staff and your support.

As we look forward to a well-earned break I hope you and your whanau are able to enjoy the upcoming time together. 

As always if I can be of assistance do drop in. 

Nga Mihi
