Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Ollerenshaw

Baking, Minecraft and Drama

Anna Ollerenshaw —

Friday Project in Room 9

The Minecraft group had the opportunity to build their own future city. Here is some of their feedback:

I have liked building my house in Minecraft and finding some new creatures. Issac

I have liked the fact that I can build whatever I want in my future world. It has been great fun. It is good the iPads are all working now, because the first day was frustrating. Lucas

I loved being able to create stuff in my own country. I have put a flag, parliament, a bank, houses, people and I named it United Cities. Coop D

I enjoyed that we have been able to build a whole city in Minecraft. I liked that we have been able to use Minecraft Ed to build our city. Roman

I like building my country and building houses, banks, creating a flag and thinking about what my city will be like. Zac

I like building my own country and building new stuff. Cooper K

I have liked building my city. I have put a floating island that will have cities on it. I have villages which have houses in them. I have built a railway for transport. I have animals in my country. Sameer

I have loved building and creating in Minecraft. I have made a rich town and there are lots of dogs, cats and bees in my city. I have had heaps of fun building. Daniel

The bakers have had an amazing time in the hall kitchen with Melissa and Andrea. They have baked scones, pizza scrolls, gingerbread men and banana chocolate chip muffins.

I loved that Melissa and Andrea have been teaching us how to bake. My favourite thing to make was the gingerbread men that we got to roll out, cut into shapes and then decorate. To decorate we used icing, sprinkles, mini marshmallows, white and milk chocolate chips. I loved it all. Cohen

I liked the banana chocolate chip muffins, they were yellow and had chocolate chip sprinkles in them. The pizza scrolls were great to make, I liked the bacon, pineapple and cheese on it. Ollie H

The baking group has been really fun. On the last session we got to mix, roll out, cut then decorate the biscuits. We could express ourselves this way. We made pizza scrolls, lemonade scones, gingerbread men and banana chocolate chip muffins. I liked how we all took turns, and it was even and fair. Melissa and Andrea were really nice and kind baking with us. Sophie S

The drama group has been busy practicing Jack and the Beanstalk. They designed costumes, made props and performed in other classes.

My favourite part of the drama group has to be A: Costumes B: Performing or C: spending time with friends. It has been a great experience overall and I would recommend doing drama to the people doing Friday Project next year. Johanna

My favourite part of drama is A: performing for different syndicates B: having fun with friends C: and the costumes. Briah

My favorite thing about drama is that I have the very first line and it's very fun because I have so many people playing in it. We get to choose your outfit and I have a beautiful blue dress and I have buddy so I'm Narrator 1&2 Ollie my Narrator buddy is narrator 3&4. Emily H

For Friday's project my group did drama and we performed in rooms 12 and 13 and 11 and 10. It was amazing performing because of all the laughter and the children admiring the play of Jack and the beanstalk. I loved seeing the children laughing and having fun enjoying the show that we practiced for them. Ollie L

Today I was in a play of Jack and the Beanstalk. I was a magic bean seller. We practiced every Friday for about four weeks, in those four weeks we performed once and then three times after we got really good at it. I had lots of fun practicing and performing. Kenzi