A New Learning Space for Wakari!
Chris Smith - September 25, 2019
On Wednesday morning I received confirmation from our Ministry of Education Property Advisor that we have been granted just under $2,000,000 to demolish and replace our three portable classrooms. This is fabulous news for the Wakari Community. A special mention must be made to the Board of Trustees and especially Cameron Grindlay who has put in two years work for us to get to this point.
Now the hard but rewarding work will start around the placement, design and building of a new learning hub. One of the goals upon my arrival at Wakari was to improve the learning environments for pupils and staff. As a school, we receive five-yearly amounts for property to look to make our environments flexible, inviting, bright, fit for purpose and fun for staff and kids. Having a school, built with weatherboard in 1858 poses challenges but also gives us opportunities. With the removal of the three prefabs and the opportunity of a new space, we are getting close to achieving that goal.
Throughout the upcoming process, we will keep you informed on how we are going. We will look to consult where appropriate and we may need help in many differing forms. What a neat opportunity we have now been given.
Regards Chris