Hero photograph
Photo by Caroline Brown

Senior Hub make the most of Learning@Home

Caroline Brown —

Here's a snippet of some of the at home learning that the Seniors have been doing.

Some students have reflected on how they were feeling about lockdown. Here's Isabela's writing - Diary entry writing 27.8.21              "In lock down I have been having a lot of fun. I am enjoying all of the fun tasks that I have been assigned to do from school, like making an obstacle course and baking! The technology has been difficult because the computer was not working properly so my dad tried to fix it and now it works. I like making my brother do my obstacle courses because I always put things in that are hard for him! I like doing the morning zooms because I get to catch up on what everyone else has been up to and I also like to find out what we are doing on that day! I also help my Mum and Dad cook dinner, load the dishwasher and tidy my room. It's very fun when I do my tumbling zoom meetings in the afternoon because we do a lot of stretching and flexing! I miss all of my friends but if we stay in lock down I know that we will be back to school faster. Stay home and stay safe!"       

Another writing task involved writing character descriptions from the book 'World's Worst Teachers'. 

Coming in at slot number 3 is THE INCREDIBLE BULK. He is definitely not the worst teacher but the big bulk of him is all full of lies. That must be what is in all that flab, I guess it may be fab for him. You could see the reddest rose cheeks from embarrassment. And hair as greasy as the fake trophies he apparently won. He was the size of a non blue blueberry from Willy Wonka. He was so big his buttons popped and you could see a lot of chest hair with belly button lint that looked like formed mould on a cotton ball. Coming in for slot number 2, DOCTOR DREAD. He’s very close to the most disgusting, gruesome teacher of ALL. He had ginger frizzy hair that looked like bleached sticks as hard as wood. He had a bald head as shiny as the chemistry bottles but as rough as pins poking anyone who comes by. He had a stare that would make you sweat out of your own tears. Oh, but, his FARTS. They smell like he had eaten an animal that a pigeon pooped on that was ran over by 5 cars with frogs' breath. Now for the WORST teacher that ever lived (if she even is alive) MRS SPLAT. Where do I begin with Mrs Splat? She cooks the meals with dead, alive, yuck, slimy, sludgey things. She currently has a 0/5 health star rating but somehow she's still working at the school cafeteria. She doesn’t wash the spoons or the forks, the knives or the pots, or even the sink. She has one eye bulging watching every last kid eat a spoonful of her ‘delicious’ meals. Her nose is as slimy as a frog’s bottom, her lips are as cracked as pots and pans. Her ears are so full of earwax sometimes it falls and adds a little more taste in the meals.

Those are the worst teachers, who do you think is the worst?  by Lexi Russell

Another of our writing tasks was to explain - would you rather be a teacher or student during lockdown? Here's what some people thought.

I would rather be a student because I only have to do the work once and then I have the rest of the day free. But if you are a teacher you have to work until three o'clock and you have to reply to all the kids work and that would be boring. And it is a lot easier for me to join a zoom meeting and not have to set one up for all the kids. Also the teacher has to organise what is happening in the zoom meeting and that would be hard!!!        By Carson Thorburn

In lockdown I would rather be a student than a teacher because I get to stay home and play; I get to go to the golf course more often and find balls; I get to go for walks and find different places;  I get to kick balls around a lot and I can go for bike rides.           By Fletcher Ewing

I would want to be a student in lockdown because...I would only have a little work to do but if you were a teacher you would have a lot to do because you would have to get the task ready and you would have to look on seesaw a lot because you have to approve all the work the children send you. You can also play after you have done all your stuff and some teachers have to go to school, but if you were a child you could just stay at home.     By Lani Huntley                                               

I would rather be a student because my opinions are teachers and kids both learn new things every day, the activities the teachers give us are fun and I love learning new things from the teachers.        By Corban Vaughan

If I had to pick out a teacher or student during lock down I would pick a teacher because I feel like teaching would be more fun. For example you get to plan the classes and with that you can plan to do fun games with the class and fun activities. Like the potato olympics we are doing.

A reason why I would not want to be a student is because I don't know, maybe because the teachers get to choose the games and you might think that you had something better and more fun in mind but you couldn’t do it because the teacher chose the game and you would just have to play that game instead.

Although if I couldn’t be a teacher I would still be happy to be a student like I am now.          By Gracie Prior

I would rather be a student in lockdown for the following reasons  

  1. Students don't have to check everybody's work      
  2. Teachers have to get at 8am every morning and spend half an hour talking 
  3. Student only have to do 4 hours of school work.                

by Liam Bennett

My opinion -      by Andrew Bates 

  1. I would rather be a student learning at home on a device because I find it easier on a device because I find that everything is just in one place! 
  2. At school we have to go to different classes and move around the place and we have to get different books for different things! 
  3. On a device everything is in one place and it is easy to just search it up and do it right then and there so it's kinda easy!  

I would be a student at home because…The student is the one who gets to do all the fun activities like researching a paralympian or make your own fitness track! You don’t have to rush in the morning to get to school because we usually get to sleep in more (unless you get woken up by your little brother or sister!) If you're a teacher you have to set tasks and activities but if you're a student we get to do them!         By Aleija Alemore

A student learning at home - by Nicola Gallagher 

  1. You don't need to work as hard. 
  2. You don't need to give everyone tasks to do. 
  3. You get your work from your teacher not give the kids work.

Online Teacher VS Online student    -    By Zac Willis              My opinion: Online teacher  Reasons:

  1. I like looking at cool work
  2. I like being able to do some things
  3. Teaching seems to look fun.