Hero photograph
Parent-teacher interviews
Photo by Bryce Horgan

Parent-Teacher Interviews 2018

Admin —

Start of year interviews are being held on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 April. Read for more details.

There is an opportunity for you to meet with your class teacher. Interviews are being held on Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th April.

Reporting will take the form of an oral interview. The interview will be based on key samples of children’s work gathered throughout the year. Information gathered from a range of assessments will be available. Your child’s teacher will be able to use them to show you how your child is progressing.

On Monday only, we will be starting interviews during school time. If possible children need to be picked up by the end of lunchtime (1.30pm). If you are unable to get your child at that time, we will cater for them until 3pm.

Fill in the form and tick your choice of interview times, although it may be necessary to offer a time which does not fit exactly with your choice. Interviews are up to 15 minutes each. Please return the form to your child's teacher.